• Image of four sets of roller skates

    Final Correspondences from A Dying Planet

    Published in Andromeda Spaceways Magazine Issue 83, June 2021:

    “Given the fragility of Excelar, we wish to stress the importance of completing this mission in a timely fashion. Should you fail to apprehend Dr Harth within two weeks, locate a terminal and prepare for departure. Your survival is of great importance to our relocation mission.”

  • Four pairs of roller skates on concrete

    With Love, From Waystation #4

    Published in Typehouse Literary Magazine:

    “I make my home in the arcade.

    My living room is a row of salvaged coin-slot arcade games, their flashing lights and 8-bit title screen melodies welcoming me every time I enter.”

  • Reclaiming Tess

    Published in FIYAH! Issue 12: Chains:

    “When I was younger, she was Grandmother most times and Grandma during those sparse moments when she was nice. But now she’s just Willow, the family’s matriarch, the head acolyte connected to a lesser god’s magic, the woman dying from an incurable disease. And I will be her replacement, much to her displeasure.”

  • Image of a retro radio with a potted plant next to it.

    One Month Sister

    Published in Pennyshorts:

    “She was only going to stay for a few weeks. A month at the most. At least that’s what my parents told me that Sunday night.”

  • Image of outdoor table and chairs with lots of vegetation surrounding it.

    The Fruit Grove Girl

    Published in The Bangalore Review:

    “I’m not sure why I didn’t tell Grandma about the girl sleeping in our fruit grove. It was around midday when I found her.”