Brittany Smith Brittany Smith

Welcome to 2024

It was only in the last few months, back in October or November I think, where someone told me that I did not have to prove myself to others. That resonated with me and I’m still chewing on it now. But that comment shaped my goals and resolutions for 2024. This year, I want to break that cycle and instead focus on my interests and desires. That desire influenced my resolutions for 2024.

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Brittany Smith Brittany Smith

Returning From an (Unexpected) Hiatus

From January through April of this year, I mentally beat myself up because of how little progress I made with my writing goals. Now that I’m creating again, I am realizing how those inner fights did nothing but discourage me and shut off any creative energy that wanted/needed to be released. I can’t say a switch has been flipped and I will magically be kinder to myself every hour of every day. But I can say that I’m making small steps.

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Brittany Smith Brittany Smith

December: Rest & 2023 Goals

I’m trying to extend myself grace and compassion more often, so my 2023 writing goals may shift or change as the year progresses. I’d like to establish a regular writing routine, but I recognize this will be difficult once the spring semester begins. Ultimately, I hope to lean into my creativity, enjoy the entire process and write some weird, meaningful and heartfelt stories (and maybe secure a publication or two along the way).

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Brittany Smith Brittany Smith

September & October: Novella, #FinishUrBookFall, & More

I’m now in the process of shifting from one idea to another, which is a weird and difficult time. The novella was my main priority for months. Writing, especially writing a lengthy work, is exhausting. I’m split between wanting to start a new project and taking a much needed (and well deserved) break. With work and school also on my mind, I have little energy left to devote towards a new project. Especially when that new project requires a new world, new characters and a different story structure. But I miss the feel of putting my thoughts onto the page. I’m chipping away at a new story right now and hopefully that’ll push me to carve out dedicate time to write.

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Brittany Smith Brittany Smith

End of Summer

Like many writers, drafting is a difficult process. Even with two other drafts at my disposal, I’m constantly battling with my inner critic and my imposter syndrome. I’m torn between my belief that the manuscript will be accepted by the small press later this year (or early 2023) and my fear that this work is an incomprehensible mess that will be torn apart by the editors.

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Brittany Smith Brittany Smith

New Site!

Take your time and explore the site. Be sure to subscribe so you receive notifications for updates. Share this website with at least one other person. Thank you for your support! And good luck with your own projects.

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