End of Summer

With August over and the first chill of fall around the corner, I decided to take some time to reflect over the past month and set some goals for the remainder of the year.

The novella is currently in its final round of drafting. Technically, I’m revising the story. But I like to create separate documents for each draft, as opposed to using one singular draft for the entire project. It’s easier for me to track the changes in my stories and I never lose any of my work. (So if I ever prefer a section from the first draft compared to a later version, I can easily return to the first/original document without fear that anything was lost forever.) It crowds my Google Drive, but it’s how I like to work.

I’m only a few pages in draft three of the novella. I hope to complete this version by mid-September which will leave me with a few weeks to edit the work line by line before submitting the manuscript in mid-October.

A pair of glasses resting on an open book

Like many writers, drafting is a difficult process. Even with two other drafts at my disposal, I’m constantly battling with my inner critic and my imposter syndrome. I’m torn between my belief that the manuscript will be accepted by the small press later this year (or early 2023) and my fear that this work is an incomprehensible mess that will be torn apart by the editors.

Despite previous acceptances and praise for my work, I have a deep (likely unrealistic) sense that I’m a fraud and have successfully managed to ‘trick’ people ever since I decided to pursue professional publications.

This inner doubt stifles my creativity and makes it difficult for me to complete the novella or any other work I’m currently pursuing. I doubt I’ll ever completely heal from my imposter syndrome. But I can gently encourage myself to sit in front of my laptop and type a few words every day until I complete the draft.

A partially open laptop with a bright screen

I have some goals I’d like to pursue and/or accomplish before 2022 ends. The novella is my main priority until I submit it. But outside of the novella, I’d love to lay the foundation for my fantasy novel. I can’t commit to completing a NaNoWriMo project this year, but I plan to spend November building the world for the novel, establishing the magic system and figuring out the deeper lore.

Here’s a sneak peak of the world map:

A fantasy map that shows a port city with ships in the water and a guards tower

I used Inkarnate to create this map. It’s the first map I’ve ever created and I’m pleased with how it turned out. Of course, it’s subject to change, so I’ll wait to share the full image until I’m ready to publish the novel. But the picture shows the general layout of port city that’s the main setting for the novel. As I figure out the world and the characters, I plan to share details here and there.

I’m strongly considering self-publishing this work and documenting my experiences. But that’s a future post. For now, I’ll focus on finding enjoyment in the planning and drafting phases.

I’m also outlining a short story. It’s based off my town’s experiences with a cluster of crows that were causing havoc earlier this year. Can I create a love story out of it? We’ll see! I originally planned on submitting it to Translunar Travelers Lounge this fall, but unfortunately the story will not be ready by the end of their submission period. I’ll develop my ideas, complete the first draft and aim to submit it next year. I’m okay with going a year or two without publishing any new work. I’m a slow creator and I’ve come to embrace that aspect of my writing process.

I miss posting these monthly check-ups and I hope to maintain a consistent schedule with these posts. I’m brimming with story ideas and I’m thrilled I can document my journey in this space. Thank you for supporting me during this journey. I hope you’re ready for some exciting projects and updates!

Enjoy the start of autumn. I know I’m eager for the start of sweater and soup season!


September & October: Novella, #FinishUrBookFall, & More


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