New Site!

Welcome to my new website!

For a while I wanted to give my author website a makeover, but I was nervous to switch platforms and spend hundreds of dollars creating a website that I didn’t love. Eventually I decided to take the chance and switch from Wordpress to Squarespace and this is the end result.

There are some wrinkles that still need to be ironed out, but overall I’m much happier with the look.

In the process of creating this new space, I made some changes. One, I decided to pull away from book reviews. If you follow me on Goodreads or Storygraph, you’ll still be able to see what I’m currently reading and read my thoughts on the books I’ve read. But I want this website to focus on my writing projects and goals.

And I have some major plans that I hope to share over the remainder of this year. If you looked at the homepage, you’ll notice that I’m working on a number of projects and I’ll continue my ‘Writer’s Journel’ series where I’ll go into detail about myWIPs.

Take your time and explore the site. Be sure to subscribe so you receive notifications for updates. Share this website with at least one other person. Thank you for your support! And good luck with your own projects.


End of Summer